Linking Open Data Sources is based in the Netherlands, has over 10 years of experience in the financial sector and specializes in RegTech. We provide linked open data on legal Entity identifiers (LEIs) and international Securities Identification Numbers (ISINs). Both Level 1 (Who is Who) and Level 2 (Who owns whom) data on LEIs is made available. ISIN to LEI links are added from a Mifid II perspective.
We make data available in a user-friendly web portal, where you can easily search and drill down to the details. Data can be exported to CSV and PDF and you can create your own list or favorite LEIs and ISINs. The LEI data will be updated daily: ISIN to LEI mappings are at least updated on a weekly basis.
Since November 2019 we are also an Official Registration Agent (RA) for Ubisecure RapidLEI. As an RA we help legal entities in getting LEIs and manage these for them.
2024-09-14 00:10:21
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