“The work of mapping ISIN codes to the NACE classification system has been crucial in order for us to explore the effectiveness of the EU ETS system in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. ISIN2LEI.eu has conducted an impeccable and high qualitative work and we feel confident that we will facilitate their services also in future projects.”
In Q1 2019 ISIN2LEI.eu performed Customized Data Mappings for Nordea Bank Abp. Started with a Raw Data set of over 100,000 records, we put it down to 1,200 unique companies that are in scope for the EU ETS system. 900 of these companies could be identified with an LEI. Both NACE Rev 1.1 and Rev2 codes were assigned to all companies. We used additional sources of other classification schemes like NAICS and GICS for data quality purposes.
- Period: Q1 2019
- Input: >100,000 non unique records of company data
- Output: 1,200 unique companies that are in scope for EU ETS with both NACE Rev1.1 and Rev2 codes assigned
- LEI coverage: 75%
- Data Quality: We used additional sources of other classification schemes like NAICS and GICS as a benchmark